P.O Box 331342, Takapuna
Auckland, 0740

Newsletter for April 2021

Race4Life / Newsletter  / Newsletter for April 2021

A Letter from the General Manager

Hello all

2021 has arrived and although it has brought us all many challenges, we realise these are platforms for our growth. Or rather, we hope so!

There have been some changes in the Race4Life team and a few plans for the next little while, that will hopefully create a sound foundation for the future. At the moment we are working with a skeleton team, albeit with a strong contingent of volunteers, should we need support.

The first newsletter for 2021 includes some wonderful stories of courage, generosity, and compassion. It was totally awesome to eventually bring everyone to Hampton Downs for our 13th Anniversary of the Race4LifeTrack Day. Again over 80 patients descended on the venue, along with 400 volunteers. A simply magical day!

Rod Milner shares the challenges that he faced as a young father in light of his late wife’s ill health. This beautiful piece tells us of how Rod, along with his son Darren, have come to be the only business in New Zealand that deals solely with vehicles for the physically challenged. In the words of bestfriend, Kirsty, we learn about the courage of 31 year old Hollie as she endeavours to live every moment to it’s fullest.

We still have many wishes on our Waiting List due to the ramifications of Covid 19. However, the Wish Service is now open to all.


Thank you Foodstuffs

The Rod Milner story

Rod Milner Motors’ interest in a mobility transportation came about due to the fact that Rod’s wife Lee, contracted terminal Breast Cancer in 1991. As her illness progressed, it became a major problem to transport her (often in a wheelchair).

At that time, there were very few vehicle options available and Rod’s personal experience of nursing a very ill person was limited. There was no internet as we now know it, and very little helpful advice available. However, Hospice provided much support in the latter stages of Lee’s illness.

Having a relatively large business with 35 staff to run and two young children, there was not a lot of available time for innovative thinking. Lee passed away in mid 1995 and Rod needed to refocus on keeping life going for himself and his family.

As the business was very involved in imported cars from Japan (being one of the early trailblazers in this area), Rod discovered on a buying trip, factory-built mobility vehicles which would have been ideal for his own situation with his wife, Lee. He purchased a couple and these sold immediately. From this point on, mobility sales escalated, to the point the company is at today which is now 100% dedicated to mobility transportation.

The company now employs over 15 staff and in addition to vehicle sales, has a large rental fleet and a full vehicle adaption division. Rod’s son Darren (who was 11 when his mother passed away) is now General Manager and has dedicated himself to becoming one of New Zealand’s foremost mobility vehicle experts.

Rod Milner Motors has recently expanded into new vehicle offerings from the UK and are proving to be extremely popular and user friendly. This is one step in an expansion program, planned to include a new purpose-built home base in the near future. The team at Rod Milner Motors, are very dedicated to their cause and their customers. The completely honour the work of the Race4Life Trust and are ready to show support at every opportunity.


Get Involved

It is with considerable relief that we have been able to open the Wish Service again. Patients throughout New Zealand, are now making their special wish become a reality and creating cherished memories.

COVID 19 however, has stymied our ability to fundraise. We would benefit greatly with HELP in many areas. CLICK on the GET INVOLVED link below and you will be taken to our website where all the options are explained in full.

Our 13th Anniversary

Track Day 2021 became a reality on March 23rd.  In this present climate there are no guarantees, so to have the opportunity to host this well-loved event was almost surreal. In 2020 we had to cancel twice because of Alert Levels, plus the South Island event had to be cancelled this year in Teretonga, due to Lockdown in February/March.

As the sun rose in the Waikato, it became apparent that the day was going to be something special. And that it was, on many levels.

“Thank you so much for this special day. I got to spend a stunning day with my son and nephew. We all had a complete blast! I was amazed at just how many volunteers, race enthusiasts and businesses, supported this event. Thank you to each and every one of you for the opportunity. It was truly special”

This year marked the 13th Anniversary of this awesome event, and each year it just seems to get better. It has become the People’s Event. So many of those who contributed in 2021, have been doing so for many years. They have embraced their roles and they truly OWN them. The day is truly a tapestry of love.

In addition to our team this year, were a new contingent of motorbikes. Our stalwarts over the years, were unable to make it this year. No problem for the newbies, who introduced Spyder bikes to our collection. Patient Peter Buckley and wife Maxine, drove to the event on their twin Spyders, to contribute to the team. Josh Kronfeld organised the Hogg Crew from Harley Davidson and Garry Carter completed the squad, with his fascinating array of bikes, that were embraced by all our special guests.

Garry Carter showed such extraordinary generosity, in not only sponsoring the payment of the track, and bringing his beloved bikes, he also made his V8 supercar, (driven at one stage by Shane van Gisbergen) available for patients to experience some extraordinary rides.

As always, we had a whole bunch of prestige and luxurious cars, classic cars, a fire engine, a wonderful selection of race cars, kombie vans, trucks, and of course the extremely popular helicopter rides.

Mad Mike Whiddett again, shared the day with us, and took the lucky raffle prize winner for a “drift” around the track at lunchtime.

There really are too many people to thank for this spectacular day. We, at Race4Life, feel a huge sense of privilege, to be privy to the very best of humanity at play. A day, which leaves all those present, with sore cheeks, simply from smiling all day!!
The videos below say it all.


We are Hiring: Secretary of the Board

The Story of Hollie: A very courageous young woman

Here is 31year old Hollie’s journey in the words of her best friend Kirsty:

You may have heard of Hollie’s story,  if you are a Bream Bay local or Northlander or maybe you are lucky enough to have met Hollie in person and have her brighten your day! This beautiful women was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal breast cancer 16 months ago and has defied all odds!

Given a 6 months prognoses 16 months ago and recently a 2-3 week prognoses, a world pandemic, earthquakes & tsunamis, Hollie made her dreams come true on March 5th and married the love of her life Andy, surrounded by close friends and family here in Ruakaka.

This day could not have happened without all the exceptional people involved. Each and everyone of the vendors involved and the extra people behind the scenes all deserve the biggest fist bump and recognition. Not one of them blinked an eye when asked to help with 7 DAYS NOTICE to make the day happen! And all of them went above and beyond. Their kindness and humanity is a true testament to Hollie & Andy and their families. Hollies battle isn’t over yet but she has an amazing HUSBAND by her side! Congratulations Mr & Mrs Welsh!!!!

Kia Kaha Hollie & Andy

What can we say Northland?
You are amazing.

Donate To Our Cause:

If you would like to help people like Hollie, you can donate to the Wish Service, sponsor an individual wish,  or donate on a regular basis.

Click HERE to donate now.

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