P.O Box 331342, Takapuna
Auckland, 0740

Stewart Ray

Race4Life / Stewart Ray

Stewart Ray is 49 years old and married to Linda. This gorgeous couple have five boys and are grandparents to two young boys. After spending a number of years overseas working, Stewart returned to New Zealand after his diagnosis in May 2013.The treatment available for brain tumours in New Zealand provided some good options, so the Ray family decided to come home. Stewart has already outlived the time that the professionals had given him. And he is now determined to live every moment he has left, to the fullest.

Stewart’s wish request is to have a ride in a V8 Super Car. When approached, Greg Murphy put his hand up and with very short notice has found a spot for Stewart to have his wish come true. At midday tomorrow Stewart will head off with Linda and two of their boys, to Hampton Downs to get whizzed around the track in a V8 Super Car driven by Murph. The family will stop off on their way home to celebrate, with a meal at the Lone Star in Hamilton.

A huge thank you to Greg Murphy, Hampton Downs Raceway and Lone Star for making this all possible.