If you would like hold a fundraiser and raise money and awareness for the Race4Life Trust, we encourage you to get in touch. We will do our best to support you with all the advertising resources you may need. If we can be of any...
If you would like hold a fundraiser and raise money and awareness for the Race4Life Trust, we encourage you to get in touch. We will do our best to support you with all the advertising resources you may need. If we can be of any...
To make each and every wish and event happen, we rely on our business community to support our cause. From small businesses that provide transport solutions through to corporate hotels treating our wish recipients like royalty. If you feel like you have a product or...
Our charity would not be able to thrive without the dedicated support of our volunteers. We are always looking for caring people wanting to donate their time. Whether you want to be on the front line at our track days or have some time in...
We are so blessed to have such a beautiful country, with an enormous array of possible destinations for wish recipients. If you are interested in supporting a wish, in any of the chosen locations, you will be paying for one night's accommodation, one meal and...
From the beginning we have been fortunate to have the financial support of corporate companies and philanthropic individuals. If you would like to inquire, please get in touch with a click of the button below. There are numerous methods you can sponsor what we do. Race4Life...
Over the years Race4Life has received a few bequests from patients and their families, whom have used our services. If you would like to contribute to our cause, in this fashion, please click below. Patient Peter Chum had a last wish to spend some precious time...